Suspended ceilings from LA Ceilings are a great option for a variety of businesses. They are affordable, look great, and offer a variety of benefits businesses love. Here are the top four FAQs we often receive about suspended ceilings. If you don't see your question here or you are ready to schedule your suspended ceiling installation, contact us at LA Ceilings today.
Suspended Ceiling FAQs
Suspended Ceiling FAQs

What is a Suspended Ceiling?
A suspended ceiling, also known as a drop ceiling or an acoustic ceiling, is a type of ceiling that is hung from the structural ceiling. They are often made from acoustic tiles or light panels and suspended from a metal grid. Suspended ceilings are a popular choice for businesses because they offer soundproofing features and can be installed relatively quickly and easily.

What are Some of the Benefits of a Suspended Ceiling?
Suspended ceilings can help with noise reduction, energy efficiency, and they are easy to maintain. Additionally, suspended ceilings can be installed quickly and easily, which means less disruption for your business. Our acoustic ceiling contractors at LA Ceilings also hear businesses love them due to their easily accessible duct and pipework!

Do I Need a Professional to Install a Drop Ceiling or Can I Install it Myself?
While it is possible to install a suspended ceiling on your own, we highly recommend working with one of our professional acoustic ceiling contractors. The installation process can be complicated and time-consuming. Plus, our team has the experience and knowledge necessary to ensure your suspended ceiling is installed properly.

Why Choose LA Ceilings For Your Suspended Ceiling Project?
Our drop ceiling installation company offers nearly 40 years of experience in the industry. In addition, we're a Top-Rated Local® ceiling acoustic ceiling contractor that offers free and quick estimates upon request.
If you have any questions about suspended ceilings or you are ready to schedule your installation, contact LA Ceilings today. We are happy to answer any questions you have and get started on your project.